TBT MSC Control
A Max for Live device built to automate away midi programming headache and control Morningstar Midi Controllers right within Ableton!
This device gives allows you to...
- With one button, trigger any other TBT Pedal Plugins to push out a patch to their respective pedals AS WELL AS save a preset on your Morningstar midi controller to recall those patches!
- Remotely switch banks and presets on Morningstar midi controllers within Ableton (MC3, MC6 MKII, MC8) as was rename the bank or long name.
- Don't have a Morningstar midi controller? You can still use this to get the program or control change message needed to recall a patch on another TBT Pedal Plugin pedal!
Watch this video if you want understand why I made these plugins and the big picture of how they all work together to make programming a pedalboard easier!
This plugin requires certain equipment to be able to use it! Please watch this short 2min and 22 second video to make sure you have what you need!
Even if you are experienced with Max for Live devices, this short video should get you up and running faster as well as give some helpful tips to avoid any headaches.
The following two videos are for those looking to see these plugins in use as well as more detail on how to use them well. These videos are longer and slower paced because I tried to hit every possible little detail and concept. If needed, use the chapter markers as well as the yellow indicators to skip past information not relevant to you.
To control an MC3, MC6 MKII or MC8 via midi use the morningstar editor to configure the following Controller settings under the General Configuration section...
- Set the Midi Channel to the desired number 1-16. It should have it's own channel to avoid conflicts.
- Midi Thru and Cross MIDI Thru should be turned ON, but there may be a few setups that require one of them to turned OFF. Hover over them to get extra info and consider what makes sense for your setup.
Links to all of of the TBT Pedal Controller Plugins